Tiny homes top the list as an ideal solution to affordability, simplification and environmental impact.
Here’s the dilemma: The compelling features of tiny living confront the size reality of how we live. You can start by comparing the size of the typical tiny home, 225 SF, to the size of a typical home, 1,900 SF. Imagine if you can reduce your lifestyle footprint to 1,000 SF, the size of a small apartment. That may be a doable transition. And it’s still tiny by American standards.
So, back to the drawing table and the creation of several small house plans. I decided to set my size range from 500 to 1600 SF to qualify for the small house category. I wanted to invite families to consider a small house, so I designed plans with 3 bedrooms. And when I squeezed the space down to 1,150 SF, there was only room for 2 bedrooms. Most of the 1 bedroom plans, 500 to 600 SF I designed as garage apartments or carriage houses. That seemed more practical.
If you see yourself navigating the appeal of a small house that’s not too tiny, here are the plans I put together. If you just want to explore some Tiny Home statistics, check out this link.